sábado, novembro 28, 2009
Seria ao 16º Carnaval ?
Pintado como uma personagem do Enki Bilal, falei de Sartre, passei por outra pessoa durante uma noite, colhi os frutos desse teatro, durou o que podia durar, algumas horas, uns apalpões.
Yes, but are you now closer to the person that you are ?
Yes, but are you now closer to the person that you are ?
sexta-feira, novembro 27, 2009
Qualquer coisa, eu sei lá
"When I was younger I could remember anything, whether it had happened or not;
but my faculties are decaying now and soon I shall be so I cannot remember any but the things that never happened".
Mark Twain
but my faculties are decaying now and soon I shall be so I cannot remember any but the things that never happened".
Mark Twain
Para não falar da preocupante mensagem política, do ridículo e da tristeza que é a senhora querer ser tratada dessa forma.
Os barões assinalados
Mais de 200 anos depois da Revolução Francesa, mas por que raio tratamos esta mulher de Baronesa ?!
Que maravilha
"I've demonstrated an impressive resilience in the face of valuable life lessons, and the main thing I seem to have learned from this one is that I am capable of learning nothing from almost any experience".
Tim Kreider in International Herald Tribune, 6-7 June 2009
Tim Kreider in International Herald Tribune, 6-7 June 2009
quinta-feira, novembro 26, 2009
Fabrication, fiction
"Tradition has it that George Washington, chopped down a cherry tree in his youth.
[...] Mason Locke Weems [a bookseller] first wrote about the incident.
According to Weems young George had a new hatchet [and] gives the tree a good whack and chops it down. His father sees the damaged tree and asks his son if he knows who did the deed. [...]
"I can't tell a lie, Pa; you know I can't tell a lie. I did cut it with my hatchet." [...]
explaining that by George being honest about the situation he has well paid his father for the ruined tree. [...]
It is generally believed today that the entire story was a fabrication by Weems".
"In 1940 […] Mikhail Zoschenko published his “Stories about Lenin” - a set of fiction short-stories abridged for children, with Vladimir Lenin as the main character […] illustrating a virtue. […]
The very first short-story called “Decanter” went back to [when] young Volodia […] occasionally broke a decanter. When asked neither Lenin nor the children he played with admitted the fault. Fortunately no punishment followed but Lenin’s remorse was torturing him for the next two months until he finally confessed to his mother.
And only after that he managed to have a good sleep".
[...] Mason Locke Weems [a bookseller] first wrote about the incident.
According to Weems young George had a new hatchet [and] gives the tree a good whack and chops it down. His father sees the damaged tree and asks his son if he knows who did the deed. [...]
"I can't tell a lie, Pa; you know I can't tell a lie. I did cut it with my hatchet." [...]
explaining that by George being honest about the situation he has well paid his father for the ruined tree. [...]
It is generally believed today that the entire story was a fabrication by Weems".
"In 1940 […] Mikhail Zoschenko published his “Stories about Lenin” - a set of fiction short-stories abridged for children, with Vladimir Lenin as the main character […] illustrating a virtue. […]
The very first short-story called “Decanter” went back to [when] young Volodia […] occasionally broke a decanter. When asked neither Lenin nor the children he played with admitted the fault. Fortunately no punishment followed but Lenin’s remorse was torturing him for the next two months until he finally confessed to his mother.
And only after that he managed to have a good sleep".
"...endlessly footnoting the obvious..."
We need 'Philosophy of Journalism', Carlin Romano in The Chronicle of Higher Education
We need 'Philosophy of Journalism', Carlin Romano in The Chronicle of Higher Education
quarta-feira, novembro 25, 2009
Às vezes alterna-se apenas entre extremos: crítica enfadada da tolice alheia e inveja ressentida da competência dos outros.
0 commentsterça-feira, novembro 24, 2009
Interessante que eu tenha, em dois dias diferentes, lido "guarda-redes", onde está escrito "guarda-chuva"; e que tenha pensado: "isto é um pouco bizarro mas, ok, coisas do futebol".
«Acredito em tudo. Só não acredito que seja possível meter um guarda-chuva no rabo e depois abri-lo».
Raul Águas, treinador do Sporting, Gazeta dos Desportos, 16 de Fevereiro de 1990
«Acredito em tudo. Só não acredito que seja possível meter um guarda-chuva no rabo e depois abri-lo».
Raul Águas, treinador do Sporting, Gazeta dos Desportos, 16 de Fevereiro de 1990
segunda-feira, novembro 23, 2009
"Thomas Bernhard [...] É um dos raros escritores que conseguiu a difícil lucidez de detestar a pátria, essa obrigatória e durável fonte de equívocos e mal-entendidos. Por isso ele gostava de passar temporadas em Portugal, não pelo mar, nem pela comida, nem pelos modos amigáveis para turistas, mas sim porque podia escutar uma língua sem ter de entendê-la".
Inês Lourenço
Inês Lourenço
Chove aqui
Isto anda morno mas há-de voltar.
quinta-feira, novembro 19, 2009
"No place affords a more striking conviction of the vanity of human hopes than a public library; for who can see the wall crowded on every side by mighty volumes, the works of laborious meditations and accurate inquiry, now scarcely known but by the catalogue...".
Samuel Johnson
Samuel Johnson
sexta-feira, novembro 13, 2009
If the vaccine were not free and, apparently, available for all, we'd all be queuing and fighting to have it, no ?
Or is it really all a matter of us being carefully weighting the health risk against the refusal to feed the shameless profit-machines of big pharma ?
But if, at a given moment, it starts spreading like a wild fire, will we all then jump in the wagon ?
Or is it really all a matter of us being carefully weighting the health risk against the refusal to feed the shameless profit-machines of big pharma ?
But if, at a given moment, it starts spreading like a wild fire, will we all then jump in the wagon ?
E, no entanto...
Estava a pensar como seria bom poder ajudar o poeta nas suas errâncias.
Ver a vere
"Foi bom que a vereadora estivesse presente" ?!?
Pressinto uma declaração de amor à vereadora, descansando ao lado de ode à mundana glória, a seguir a página clamando contra o falso dinheiro, perto da fala das boas mamas, logo antes do poema que despreza o material mundo.
O poeta, é homem, é dual, é grande e humano.
Pressinto uma declaração de amor à vereadora, descansando ao lado de ode à mundana glória, a seguir a página clamando contra o falso dinheiro, perto da fala das boas mamas, logo antes do poema que despreza o material mundo.
O poeta, é homem, é dual, é grande e humano.
domingo, novembro 08, 2009
Workshop de
O título é horrível mas o tema não.
Há ginástica, yoga, psicologia, hipnose, teatro, ritmo tribal, alguma música.
Uma professora japonesa que se dobra como uma boneca de trapos.
E dança. Contemporânea. Porque tudo já foi contemporâneo e isto também.
Há ginástica, yoga, psicologia, hipnose, teatro, ritmo tribal, alguma música.
Uma professora japonesa que se dobra como uma boneca de trapos.
E dança. Contemporânea. Porque tudo já foi contemporâneo e isto também.
sexta-feira, novembro 06, 2009
Só ao fim de meia maçã me apercebi que estava a comer fruta podre.
segunda-feira, novembro 02, 2009
From Faith no More to Supergrass
via Angel Dust
via Angel Dust