domingo, novembro 28, 2010
"Yet it is obvious that Arab countries have not developed as quickly as comparable nations in other regions. Indeed, more than half of Arab women are illiterate; the region's infant mortality rate is twice as high as in Latin America and the Caribbean. Over the past 20 years, income growth per capita has also been extremely low.
The Report highlights the causes of these deficits and identifies three areas where Arab institutional structures are hindering performance and crippling human development: governance, women's empowerment, and access to knowledge".
Foreword to the Arab Human Development Report 2004 - towards freedom in the Arab world.
The Report highlights the causes of these deficits and identifies three areas where Arab institutional structures are hindering performance and crippling human development: governance, women's empowerment, and access to knowledge".
Foreword to the Arab Human Development Report 2004 - towards freedom in the Arab world.
Human development
"The Human Development Report 1996 demonstrated that every country that succeeded in sustaining both rapid human development and rapid economic growth did so by accelerating advances in human development first, or by pursuing both objectives simultaneously.
By contrast, countries that relied primarily on economic growth to reach the point where growth and human development become mutually reinforcing failed in the attempt because shortcomings in human development kept undermining their growth process".
Arab Human Development Report 2002
By contrast, countries that relied primarily on economic growth to reach the point where growth and human development become mutually reinforcing failed in the attempt because shortcomings in human development kept undermining their growth process".
Arab Human Development Report 2002
segunda-feira, novembro 22, 2010
2009: dossier sobre a situação social dos portugueses no Luxemburgo
2010: academia de debate e apresentação em público
2010: academia de debate e apresentação em público
sábado, novembro 20, 2010
"Galaxy! When can a man know he is not a puppet?
How can a man know he is not a puppet?"
Isaac Asimov in Second Foundation
How can a man know he is not a puppet?"
Isaac Asimov in Second Foundation
quinta-feira, novembro 18, 2010
Começo a ter cada vez mais medo da mudança;
qualquer dia nem a conduzir mudo de velocidade.
qualquer dia nem a conduzir mudo de velocidade.
...“O que é preciso é criar desassossego. Quando começamos a criar álibis para justificar o nosso conformismo, então está tudo lixado! [...]
Acho que, acima de tudo, é preciso agitar, não ficar parado, ter coragem, quer se trate de música ou de política.
E nós, neste país, somos tão pouco corajosos que, qualquer dia, estamos reduzidos à condição de 'homenzinhos' e 'mulherzinhas'.
Temos é que ser gente, pá!”
José Afonso in Se7e, 27/11/85
Acho que, acima de tudo, é preciso agitar, não ficar parado, ter coragem, quer se trate de música ou de política.
E nós, neste país, somos tão pouco corajosos que, qualquer dia, estamos reduzidos à condição de 'homenzinhos' e 'mulherzinhas'.
Temos é que ser gente, pá!”
José Afonso in Se7e, 27/11/85