terça-feira, julho 24, 2012
Podia ser
Compro carros a peso
sábado, julho 21, 2012
Em vosso nome
"'It is the living [...] that have to be accommodated' [Thomas Paine]
Equally extraordinary is the implied lack of any duty towards future generations, which revolutionaires at all times have claimed to stand for".
Arguably, Christopher Hitchens
Equally extraordinary is the implied lack of any duty towards future generations, which revolutionaires at all times have claimed to stand for".
Arguably, Christopher Hitchens
quinta-feira, julho 19, 2012
Not to do away
"Now, so there will be no misunderstanding", Reagan promised the country in that [first inaugural] speech, "it is not my intention to do away with government. It is, rather, to make it work - work with us, not over us; to stand by our side, not ride on our back".
Utterly ordinary
"Jeff let her talk it out, all the commonplace woes and longings of youth that to her were freshly overwhelming and of unprecedented import in her life.
She hadn't the perspective to recognize how utterly ordinary her story was, though perhaps she did have some glimmering of that awareness, since she had at least expressed her urgent desire to break free of the cliché her life had become".
Replay, Ken Grimwood
She hadn't the perspective to recognize how utterly ordinary her story was, though perhaps she did have some glimmering of that awareness, since she had at least expressed her urgent desire to break free of the cliché her life had become".
Replay, Ken Grimwood
And then to slay
"...the Christian image of the shepherd, which reduces the believer to a member of a flock, conveys the idea of guarding a human-organized and quasi-domesticated system from animal predators.
And that, in turn, reminds us that the shepherd protects the sheep and the lambs not for their own good but the better to fleece and then to slay them".
Arguably, Christopher Hitchens
And that, in turn, reminds us that the shepherd protects the sheep and the lambs not for their own good but the better to fleece and then to slay them".
Arguably, Christopher Hitchens
quarta-feira, julho 18, 2012
"Created sick, and then commanded to be well".
terça-feira, julho 17, 2012
É fisicamente doloroso olhar para ela, de tão bonita que é.
sexta-feira, julho 06, 2012
Las vagas
O capitalismo avançou:
- nas massas que envolve: acolheu os escravos, alisou as corporações, desfez os sindicatos;
- nos espaços que ocupa: cresceu acima da autarcia, das feiras medievais, dos continentes descobertos e abertos;
- nas ideias que conquista: passou as fronteiras políticas e ideológicas, as barreiras monetárias e, digital, os limites físicos.
Correu da idade da pedra à do mármore dos lobbies.
O que acontece agora? E se faltar uma próxima vaga?
- nas massas que envolve: acolheu os escravos, alisou as corporações, desfez os sindicatos;
- nos espaços que ocupa: cresceu acima da autarcia, das feiras medievais, dos continentes descobertos e abertos;
- nas ideias que conquista: passou as fronteiras políticas e ideológicas, as barreiras monetárias e, digital, os limites físicos.
Correu da idade da pedra à do mármore dos lobbies.
O que acontece agora? E se faltar uma próxima vaga?