domingo, novembro 27, 2022
Simple and close to the bone
"- Why do you think Othello is destroyed so easily? [...]
- He's destroyed easily because of his simplicity, not his weakness. He really is the archetype of the simple man, and has never understood the complexity of the world or of human beings."
Orson Welles
You notice, you make
"The atmosphere it generates is so horrendous and awful that it's easy to see how the old superstition lives on.
- And things go wrong?
- You notice things going wrong if you're in that state - you help make them go wrong. It's all those things operating. That play has a sort of terrible magic."
Orson Welles
Ah, pois é
"The better another man's film may be, the more I stand to lose by seeing it."
Orson Welles
Great again
"Even if the good old days never existed, the fact that we can conceive of such a world is, in fact, an affirmation of the human spirit. That the imagination of man is capable of creating the myth of a more open, more generous time is not a sign of our folly.
Every country has its 'Merrie England,' a season of innocence, a dew-bright morning of the world."
Orson Welles
Um ou outro
"I think it's like lion taming or being the conductor of an orchestra - you have to come in and know where the camera is, or there are all sorts of evil demons who will attack you, and the doubts will show on the screen and in everything.
You have to be absolutely on top of it. Or pay no attention to it.
One of the two."
Orson Welles
My small treasure
"I have a much poorer opinion of my life's work than you possibly could guess, and every negative thing that I hear from a friend, or read from a person I vaguely respect, reduces my small treasure."
Orson Welles
quarta-feira, novembro 23, 2022
Na crista
Comprei um blazer aveludado há 20 anos e guardei-o religiosamente ao abrigo das traças.
Em 2020, rasguei umas calças de ganga que foram mal remendadas para usar em casa.
Resultado: estou na crista da onda da moda!
For the record
Open mic poetry hour, 19 November 2022, 18h30, café da Mota, Walferdange.
Veni, vidi, li.
quinta-feira, novembro 17, 2022
Team bulding
Retirar o sifão da pia da cozinha com a mulher.