
sexta-feira, junho 02, 2006

The audit team 

- Good afternoon
- Good afternoon, Mr...
- F
- Uhm... F, you say?
- Yes...
- Can you be more precise?
- More precise!?
- Yes. What did you mean by that?
- By what!?
- That you have just said.
- It's just my name!
- So you tell us.
- It is my name! I know my own name.
- Just the same, one has to check. You wouldn't believe what we come across around here. So that is your name, is it?
- Yes!
- Your name....
- Yes!
- Uhm... F...
- Yes...
- So... Mr F... let us sit down for a moment, shall we?
- Yes, fine... and A will be just fine as well.
- What?
- A. You can address me by A.
- I thought you said your name was F.
- It is!
- So how come I should address you as A?
- That is my name as well! I mean, not all of it. That is, it is one of my names.
- Ah! So you admit to having more than one.
- Not more; that's how my name goes. Or names.
- That is why one must be precise, you see.
- But...
- That's why we are here. To be precise. To find out all about incorrectness! To fight the dreaded error!
- But it is just my name!
- Just! Some of you never get it!
- That is my name!
- Yeah, yeah. I can always tell. Call security! This one is going in!
- Security !? What do you... ei... wait a minute... stop it... careful there! Help!


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