
quarta-feira, agosto 09, 2006


Here is the podcast of the sports program of Radio L I was listening to as I was heading for volley on Monday:
"…now reporting live from 'the Court', where we seem to have a full house; John?
[background chanting and cheering]
- Yes, thank you, Tim. Indeed, thousands of supporters have gathered here and completely packed this beautiful arena. Everyone is expecting a great match today.
- What an atmosphere it must be. And do we already know who will be playing?
- I believe it is just about to be announced through the PA system… yes... here it is, live, the official line-up for today's match, as the players enter!
[loud background music, heavy noise, loudspeaker voice]
- Lubica the sky captain S [cheers, strong whistling]
- Pavol volleyballer of the gods H [loud cheers, women fainting]
- Klara the cannon K [heavy clapping, horning]
- Hugo the flying P [P! P! P! P! P!]
- Tibor the master blocker T [women screaming, bra-tearing]
- Michaela much more than a pretty face S [the crowd goes wild]
- Kristyna the flamingo Z [hysterical clapping, panting, police intervention sounds]
I couldn't hear anymore because I was entering the garage but I really felt like I had experienced a magical radio moment!

[flamingos frequently stand on one leg, both when feeding and at rest. The reason for this is not fully known. Some sources report to have observed this behaviour also when flamingos play volley - a most rare and exquisite event; this yet remains unconfirmed]


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