segunda-feira, maio 28, 2018
2 grupos
"I believe that the world breaks down into two groups: those who want to see what they look like crying and those who do not.
For some reason, most of the people I befriend seem to fall into the former group - a group that never fully throw themselves into the moment, but always hold on to a little bit of narrative objectivity, even at their gloomiest".
Jonathan Goldstein, I'll seize the day tomorrow
Também podia ser "a group that never fully throw themselves into the moment, but always" floats around somewhere "even at their gloomiest".
For some reason, most of the people I befriend seem to fall into the former group - a group that never fully throw themselves into the moment, but always hold on to a little bit of narrative objectivity, even at their gloomiest".
Jonathan Goldstein, I'll seize the day tomorrow
Também podia ser "a group that never fully throw themselves into the moment, but always" floats around somewhere "even at their gloomiest".